Written by 1:00 pm Mediterranean diet Dinner Recipes, Recipes

1 Dish Wonder!

[lead]When I came across a recipe for baked salmon with green beans and roasted tomatoes that only used 1 pan….I was all in![/lead]

I absolutely HATE doing the dishes! I’m sure no one really “loves” washing pots and pans, but I really despise it. I’ll almost do anything else to get out of washing dishes…take out the garbage, change the baby’s diaper, switch the laundry, even voluntarily watch The History Channel (my nemesis). I especially hate washing pots and pans that have dried food stuck on them.


That’s why this recipe is perfect! I found this recipe on Pinterest (seriously, how did we find new recipes or crafts without Pinterest)  and adapted it slightly. Guess what…my whole family loved it! It helps that my daughter’s favorite food is tomatoes (I kid you not!), but even my husband liked it and he’s rather picky when it comes to vegetables.

Not only does it only use one pan to cook, you are baking everything at the same time so you don’t have to worry about cooking times and trying to plan everything out to be finished at the same time (something I can never get right….main entree for dessert anyone??).


The salmon is so flavorful and the vegetables are perfectly roasted! Such a quick and easy meal that makes for a great go to weeknight dinner.



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