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21 Day Sugar Detox – A man’s perspective

sugar detox man's perspective

I’m finishing up my last day on my 21 day sugar detox, but I thought I’d offer a new and fresh opinion of the program today. Dan graciously agreed to do the detox program with me (which is good since I buy the groceries and do most of the cooking), so I thought it would be fun to interview him and see what he thought about the program.

So, I sat down with the gorgeous guy (hands off ladies, he’s married) and candidly asked him to provide honest answers to the questions below. I wasn’t going to mention it, but I’m a little competitive so I had to thrown this in there, Dan quit 1 day early so he could enjoy beer on Super Bowl Sunday. I can’t fault him too much but still have to announce that I win!


Me: You made it! How do you feel overall?

Dan: I feel good. On the Under Armour Record app it tracks how you feel everyday, and I think I was always at an 8 or 9, which is the highest level. I feel like I had more energy through the day. Is that weird? Especially at like 4 or 5pm, I didn’t feel tired like I sometimes do, even when traveling on airplanes, which is weird for me.


Me: Why did you decide to complete the 21 day sugar detox?

Dan: Honestly, because you were doing it. I also figured it would be a good jumping off point to start getting back into summer and beach shape.


Me: What was the hardest part of the program for you?

Dan: Not having beer. Being in airports with 2.5 hours to kill because most of the food there is off limits and not being able to enjoy a drink. Especially after a big meeting, where your week is over and you want to go have a cocktail with your co-workers.


Me: What foods did you like the most?

Dan: The Healthy Habanero Chicken Wings you made. I really like the Fried Cauliflower Rice, especially the next day. Oh, and the non-sweet cinnamon coconut cookies were my favorite snack.


Me: What was the biggest change in this program compared to how you normally eat?

Dan: Eliminating easy foods, like grabbing something you don’t have to prepare. Not snacking on the kids’ foods while making them dinner or helping them eat their meals.


Me: Where do you think you’ll go from here, now that the challenge is over?

Dan: I think I’ll keep some parts of the program. I’ll try to order things that are less “saucy” when eating out. I’ve always been able to avoid the starchy foods pretty well but the sauces catch up to you and you don’t really think about that. I think the biggest thing the program has taught me is that many sauces are loaded with sugar and are just empty calories (like a soda).


Me: Anything else you’d like to add or words of wisdom for anything that’s thinking about doing this program?

Dan: I think if you are going to do this but don’t have someone to make all your foods it would be really hard and you’d be really hungry all the time (it’s a lot of meal prep and pre-planning). I also  think it’s short on simple vegetables, so I’d add more of those.

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