Written by 11:58 am Mediterranean Diet & Nutrition, Mediterranean diet Lunch Recipes • 6 Comments

26 Homemade Lunchable Ideas – Great for Kids and Grown-Ups

Ditch the over-priced, heavily processed store bought versions and try these Homemade Lunchable ideas instead.

homemade lunchable ideas

Sharing over 26 different Homemade Lunchable additions and ideas that are perfect for kid friendly school lunch and grown up lunches as well. It’s also a great way to reduce food waste and be in control of the ingredients you are putting into your homemade lunches.

My Kids Love Luncheables

I don’t know what it is but my kids absolutely love lunchables. Maybe it’s the cool little box with all the crackers and cheese stacked neatly inside or just the fact that everything is packed in a single spot. Whatever the reason may be, they love them.

I used to buy them once in awhile because I have to admit they are convenient. Nothing better when packing lunch and you can just take a lunchable out of the fridge and toss it in their backpack.

Let’s be honest though, it is definitely not the healthiest choice for lunch. There are so many preservatives added to most store bought lunchables. The ingredient list on the turkey and cheddar variety for example –

Turkey and Cheddar Luncheable Ingredient List

They are some “healthier” versions at the store but I find that they still don’t have great ingredients. Since they have to sit on the shelf preservatives have to be added to make them last longer.

My Issues with Store Bought Lunchables

homemade lunchable ideas and recipes
  • They don’t have the greatest ingredients
  • They aren’t filling enough for my kids
  • There don’t include fruit or veggies
  • They are expensive

Sometimes I’m willing to pay more for convenience but at about $3-4 per luncheable, I just can’t consider them a budget friendly lunch option. (I have two elementary age kids for the record)

Making My Own Lunchables

I recently purchased these Stainless Steel Lunch Box Containers after seeing them on Shaped By Charlotte’s instagram. They are the perfect size container for packing my own homemade lunchable fore the kids. Plus they come with a movable divider inside.

homemade lunchable container

My kids don’t love sandwiches, so these homemade lunchables really make it easy to put together a grazing style, cheese and cracker type of lunch. It’s also a really great way to cut down on plastic bags or having to put everything in tons of little containers or reusable bags.

I also like that you can easily customize it to what you have on hand, what’s in season, or what your child likes. No more half eaten lunches coming back because one didn’t like the cheese and another didn’t like the protein.

Homemade Lunchable Ideas

These are just a handful of combinations and ideas but there are so many more, depending on your personal preferences.

I try to balance my kid’s lunches a little bit by having the following, but it’s not a hard and fast rule –

Protein + Healthy Fat + Whole Grain + Fruit or Veggie

Fruit & Veggie Ideas

  • oranges
  • berries (putting them in cupcake liners keeps the juice from leaking
  • apples
  • grapes
  • pineapple
  • dried fruit
  • cherry tomatoes
  • carrot sticks (with hummus or dip)
  • snap peas
  • edamame
  • salsa

Protein Ideas

  • 1/2 sandwich or wrap
  • lunch meat
  • peanut butter
  • tuna
  • beef sticks
  • hummus
  • hardboiled eggs
  • string cheese / sliced cheese
  • yogurt

Whole Grains

  • crackers
  • bread/bagel/English muffin (for sandwiches)
  • tortillas / chips / pretzels

Healthy Fat

  • nuts
  • seeds
  • avocado
  • hummus

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