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45 Flavorful Winter Squash Recipes

A delicious and flavorful collection of 45 Winter Squash Recipes that are perfect for any autumn or winter meal.

45 flavorful winter squash recipes

A collection featuring over 45 winter squash recipes using a variety of varieties such as acorn, butternut, delicata, pumpkin and more.

Winter Squash is in Season

As we shared in our November Seasonal Produce Guide, winter squash is now in season. It’s a perfect time to pick a squash, try a new recipe and enjoy all the fall flavors.

We’ve broken the recipes down by squash type, but many are also easy to customize and swap out for a different type of squash. For example, this Mushroom Ravioli and Squash recipe from Live Best can be used with almost any winter squash, such as Acorn, Hubbard, Butternut or even Pumpkin.

Cheerful Choices created this Maple Roasted Squash Wedges recipe that can also be used with a variety of different winter squashes.

Butternut Squash Recipes

Acorn Squash

Honeynut Squash

Kabocha Squash

Delicata Squash Recipes


Spaghetti Squash

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