Written by 7:00 am Recipes, Soup / Salad / Sides • 4 Comments

Baked Sweet Potatoes with Garlic Butter

sweet potatoes

It took we awhile to get on board with “Team Sweet Potato”. I always just affiliated them with an old fashioned side dish served at Thanksgiving. Which honestly my family never served at Thanksgiving, so I didn’t really have any experience with them.

I’ve prepared them a few different ways now and I am officially a sweet potato girl. They are pretty easy to cook and a pretty inexpensive item to keep stocked in the pantry. Plus they are pretty great nutrition wise!

  • “Slow Burning” Fiber Content
    • Contain almost twice as much fiber as other potatoes
  • Good for your Heart Health
    • Good source of Vitamin B6 and Potassium, both which play a role in heart health
  • Rich in Beta-Carotene
    • A powerful antioxidant that also helps protect skin from UV Rays and eye health
  • Great Source of Vitamin C and E

This recipe is my current favorite way to prepare sweet potatoes. It takes some time to prepare (mainly slicing up all the sweet potatoes), but it’s so worth it! The end result is perfectly crispy sweet potatoes brushed with a delicious garlic butter sauce.

I topped mine with chopped shallots and chives…so delicious!

Are you a sweet potato fan? What’s your favorite way to prepare them?

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