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Cheddar Apple Sandwiches with Broccoli Sprinkles

Healthy and simple, these Cheddar Apple Sandwiches with Broccoli Sprinkles create a fun after school snack the kids will love!

cheddar apple sandwiches with broccoli sprinkles

Healthy and simple, these Cheddar Apple Sandwiches with Broccoli Sprinkles create a fun after school snack the kids will love!

Disclosure – This post was sponsored by Cabot Cheese and Healthy Aperture Blogger Network as part of the #cabotcheese campaign. I was compensated for my time.

Back to School Routines

My oldest daughter started Kindergarten last week and it’s been an adjustment to get our new routines established. I’m happy to report that she loves school (so far) and has been coming home happy, a little bit tired and hungry for a snack.

One of the things I’m trying to focus on is establishing an after school routine that allows us to sit down together and find out more about her day at school. So far it’s been hard to pull more than a “it was good” response to how her day went. I’ve discovered that sitting down with a healthy after school snack is one way to get her to share more information. Especially if that snack includes cheese.

Fun & Healthy Afternoon Snack

Making an easy, healthy afternoon snack that my daughter will actually enjoy can sometimes be challenging. In her mind, “snack” typically means a cookie or popsicle. However, we’ve been transitioning into a more substantial snack that is balanced and will tide her over until dinner time.

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These Cheddar Apple Sandwiches with Broccoli Sprinkles have been a hit around here for snack time and are actually super easy to make. Ready in about 5 minutes and with only 4 ingredients, these “sandwiches” can easily become a routine afternoon snack.

Cheese Makes Everything Better

I used Cabot Cheese Seriously Sharp Cheddar Cracker Cuts for these Cheddar Apple Sandwiches and they could not be more perfect!

The sharp cheddar flavor pairs so well with the tangy apple and sweet drizzle of honey. Plus is there anything better than cheese that comes pre-sliced? It’s the little things in life that just make me happy and pre-sclied cheese is near the top of my list.

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While working with Cabot Cheese, I was so interested to learn more about the company behind the great tasting cheese.  I was pleased to learn how much they value small farms and their members.

  • Did you know that Cabot is a co-operative owned by 1,000 family farms throughout New England and New York and 100% of the profits go back to the farmers?
  • The company has a Department of Gratitude that reflects the values of the farm families who own Cabot. Volunteers can log time on any device in order to win an array of prizes, trips and cash for themselves and their non-profits. Reward Volunteers also allows folks to find volunteer opportunities and keep track of different volunteer activities!
  • Cabot Creamy Co-Operative is also the world’s first cheese maker and dairy cooperative to achieve a B Corporation Certificate. This certificate is a validation of its attention to environmental and social media impacts on stakeholders.

It’s refreshing to see a company that values it’s employees and shareholders while giving back and still creating great tasting products.

Putting It All Together

This snack is easy enough to pull together in minutes after school. Sometimes my daughter even helps me in the kitchen putting it all together, which is something I love seeing.

To slice the apples, I simply cut them into rings and then used a small, circular cookie cutter to create a hole in the middle (that also removes the apple core). You could also just use a pairing knife to remove the core.

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I added 3 cheddar cheese cuts between two apple slices and then top with a drizzle of honey. The honey adds a touch of sweetness and also helps the broccoli sprinkles stick to the top of the apple.

The broccoli sprinkles are simply riced broccoli that I get in the produce section at my local grocery store (I’ve seen them at Trader Joe’s, Safeway and Whole Foods). If you can’t find them already “riced”, you could just take broccoli florets and pulse them in the food processor until they are chopped up into a rice like consistency. I cal them broccoli sprinkles because what kid doesn’t love sprinkles?

Bonding Over Back to School

So with just about 5 minutes of prep, I can prepare a snack that my daughter will love and then sit down with her to talk about her day at school.

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It’s been fun to learn about the things she is learning in school, what she did during recess and hear about her new friends in class. I think it’s also a good way to check in and stay involved, all while enjoying a well balanced and healthy snack.

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Cheddar Apple Sandwiches with Broccoli Sprinkles

Healthy and simple, these Cheddar Apple Sandwiches with Broccoli Sprinkles create a fun afternoon snack that kids will love.
Course Snack
Cuisine American
Keyword apples, healthy snack, after school snack
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 4 sandwiches
Author Brynn at The Domestic Dietitian


  • 2 apples I used granny smith, but any type will work
  • 12 slices Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar Cracker Cuts
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/4 cup riced broccoli


  • Slice the apples into rings, you get about 4 rings per medium sized apple
  • Using a small circular cookie cutter or pairing knife, create a hole in the middle of each apple ring (which also removes the core)
  • Place 3 cheddar cheese cracker cuts onto an apple ring.
  • Place apple ring on top to create a "sandwich"
  • Drizzle top of apple ring with honey, then add riced broccoli "sprinkles" on top
  • Serve and enjoy!


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Thanks to Cabot Cheese for the great tasting cheddar cheese cuts. In addition to their full line of cheese, Cabot makes Greek yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter and whey protein. I can’t wait to try them all!


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