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Cucumber & Cantaloupe Salad with Za’atar

cucumber and cantaloupe salad with feta basil and za'atar

This Cucumber & Cantaloupe Salad with Za’atar is a fresh, flavor packed Mediterranean Diet inspired recipe perfect for summer.

Fresh Fruit Salads

I have an obsession with salads that have fresh fruit added to them.

Apples with Arugula – I’m in.

Strawberries and Spinach – yes please!

Don’t even get me started on my love of Watermelon with Feta Cheese.

Fresh Fruit & The Mediterranean Diet

cucumber cantaloupe salad with za'atar : the mediterranean diet  salad

Adding fruits to salad not only adds a hint of natural sweetness, but it’s a fun way to get in your daily recommendation of juicy, fiber filled, fresh fruit. Not to mention the recommendation to reduce calories from added sugars/sweeteners.

The current US dietary recommendations state we should aim for an equivalent of 2 cups of fruit a day. Incorporating it into your meals, along with lots of fresh vegetables is a great way to follow a more mediterranean diet inspired lifestyle.

Cucumber & Cantaloupe Salad

cucumber cantalopue salad recipe with za'atar off center

Juicy cantaloupe combined with crispy cucumbers, all topped with robust olive oil and za’atar seasoning…that’s my kinda salad.

Read More – My Favorite Za’astar Seasoning

Grab The Recipe

cucumber cantaloupe salad with za'atar recipe - mediterranean diet inspired. healthy salad recipe with fruit

Cucumber Cantaloupe Salad with Za’atar

This Cucumber & Cantaloupe Salad with Za'atar is a fresh, flavor packed Mediterranean Diet inspired recipe perfect for summer.
Course side/salad
Cuisine Mediterranean
Keyword cantaloupe, cucumber, salad, za’atar
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Servings 4
Author Brynn McDowell, RDN at The Domestic Dietitian


  • 1.5 cups cantaloupe, cubed (about 1/2 cantaloupe)
  • 1 medium cucumber, thinly sliced
  • 2 tbsp feta cheese
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1 tbsp za'atar
  • Fresh Basil for Garnish


  • In a large bowl, place the cut cantaloupe and cucumber. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
  • Add crumbled feta cheese and za'atar seasoning. Mix to combine. Garnish with fresh basil if desired.

Looking for More Fruit Salads

As I said earlier, I really do have a soft spot in my heart (and in my kitchen) for fruit filled salad.

Here are a few of my favorites….

heirloom tomato and peach salad with mozzarella and arugula
blueberry watermelon salad with arugula and feta
cantaloupe panzanella salad with cucumbers onion and basil
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