Written by 4:58 am Recipes, Soup / Salad / Sides

Festive Salad

festive salad

[lead]It’s been said before, but I truly love salad. My favorite kind of salads involve lots of colorful ingredients with a lot of different flavors and textures. [/lead]

Tonight I served this Festive Salad and it was a big hit (with me and the hubs, not with the kids since they aren’t really on the salad bandwagon, mainly due to the lettuce part).

It is so flavorful that you really only need a very light dressing and it just looks so pretty that I would totally serve this at a dinner party.

I originally got the recipe from the awe-inspiring girls at Tone It Up (I love them!) and saw it posted on their Instagram (here) as “Santa Salad”. I adapted the recipe because we don’t really eat quinoa much around here and I’m not a huge lover of kale, but it came out great just the same.

Pro Tip: I found “lightly candied walnuts” at Trader Joe’s and I am so in love! They are less sweet than regularly candied nuts but still have a nice little sweetness that goes great in salads.


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