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Friday Finds

friday finds

[lead]I feel like the universe was telling me today that I was meant to share a couple great finds on the blog.[/lead]

I know it isn’t nutrition related, but I think it sort of ties into the whole “wellness” vibe (you can read about my wellness philosophy here) because a great find is good for your soul. And it brings happiness, at least to me.

So in an effort to give in to all the signs I’ve received today about how good it feels to receive and share some good finds/deals, I’m sharing them with all of you…



This morning my good friend (Hi Carolyn!), let me know that the book Girl Code is free for kindle readers on amazon. Who doesn’t love a free book?




IMAG6270Then, later this afternoon, my other good friend (Hi Michelle!), texted me to let me know that La Croix water was on sale at Target. I’ll use any excuse to take a trip to Target, but especially to stock up on my La Croix addiction. I find Target (at least the ones by me) have the best flavor selection of La Croix. They are currently on sale for 2/$8.





Lastly, I had to return something to Old Navy and just took a little lap around the store and found these Lace Up Gladiator sandals were on sale They actually have some really cute sandals this season if you are looking for some cute styles for the summer. They are originally $26.94 but are currently 40%.





Let me know in the comments below of any great finds you’d like to share! Have a great weekend.


Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for mentioning these products on the blog. The opinions expressed are simply and solely my own. 

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