Written by 8:10 pm Mediterranean diet Dinner Recipes, Recipes • 4 Comments

Grilled Steak Tacos with Herb Sauce

grilled steak taco

[highlight]Lighter but still satisfying, these grilled steak tacos are perfect for lunch or dinner![/highlight]

[lead]Happy Taco Tuesday! [/lead]

Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner and that means tacos! If you are looking to make tacos but still want to maintain your healthy lifestyle, here are a few tips:

  1. Omit the Sour Cream and Cheese
    • Consider using Greek Yogurt in place of sour cream (or a mixture of 1/2 sour cream and 1/2 greek yogurt)
    • Cheese tends to be high in fat and sodium, if you add a lot of flavor to the tacos, you won’t even miss the cheese
  2. Add healthy fats with fresh avocado
  3. Grill your fish/chicken/steak instead of breading/frying
  4. Add fresh toppings such as pico de gallo, shredded lettuce, onions, jalapeños, and cilantro for flavor without added calories
  5. Use small tortillas
    • Large tortillas contain a lot of empty calories and often times sugar!
    • Consider using small tortillas, you still can pack on the fillings/toppings without over-dosing on carbohydrates

grilled steak taco with herb sauce

These Grilled Steak Tacos with Herb Sauce are so good!!!! I can’t stop thinking about them and luckily they are quick to make, so I’m thinking about whipping up another batch for lunch today.

I marinated some flank steak (trying to stay within my grocery budget and steak is so expensive these days) with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. Then simply grilled it for a few minutes on each side (it was really thin) and sliced it super thin.

I used small corn tortillas that I broiled over the flame on the stove, and added shredded romaine lettuce, grilled steak, caramelized onions (such a great flavor), fresh cilantro, and Herb Sauce (recipe below).

They were fantastic! So fresh tasting but still satisfying.


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