Written by 5:12 pm family meals, Mediterranean diet Lunch Recipes, Recipes

Kid Friendly Cheese Plates

These mini Kid Friendly Cheese Plates are an easy way to prepare a well balanced lunch for all kids, even the pickiest of eaters!

These mini Kid Friendly Cheese Plates are an easy way to prepare a healthy lunch for all kids, even picky eaters!

Note – this post was originally published on the blog in June 2018, but has been updated.

I am going to be honest and admit that preparing lunch for my kids is my least favorite part of my day.

Often times it’s because I’m not sure what the heck to make them for lunch. Neither one of them really loves sandwiches, so it’s often just scouring through the fridge for ingredients to put on a plate that resemble a balanced meal.

It wasn’t until I was out for dinner and ordered myself a cheese & charcuterie board for my meal that it dawned on me that a mini cheese plate would be the perfect fall back lunch for my kids.

Think about it…a few bites of a variety of different foods is what kids typically end up eating anyway. This way there is only a few bites of anything to begin with, so less waste when they don’t finish their sandwich or fruit cup, etc.

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This handy Kid Friendly Cheese Plate Guide helps ensure you have a balanced meal –

Kid Friendly Mini Cheese Plate Guidelines - The Domestic Dietitian

We’ve had so much more success this past week with lunch time thanks to mini cheese plates!

kid friendly mini cheese plates 3

What are some of your go to kid friendly lunch ideas? Share below cause this mama needs some new ideas.

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