Written by 9:26 am Mediterranean diet Breakfast Recipes, Recipes

5 Ways to Beat Egg Boredom

baked egg cup
[lead]As previously stated in the last post, eggs are a great way to start your day. That being said, eggs can get very boring![/lead]
I am the type of person that looks forward to meals and cannot eat the same thing over and over again without getting insanely bored. My husband on the other hand can eat plain old scrambled eggs for breakfast everyday for the rest of his life and never get bored, but let’s face it, he is strange.
I’m sharing a few of my favorite egg based recipes/ideas to jazz up your morning routine to beat egg boredom. They are easy and quick…requirements for busy mornings when you have to locate your kids’ missing shoes or just don’t have a lot of time to devote to preparing breakfast.
[lead]1. Egg and Black Bean Bake[/lead]
egg black bean bake
This recipe takes a few minutes to prep but it’s  nice because you can leave it in the oven to bake while you get dressed or try to wrestle your hair into a “fancy” looking ponytail.
P.S. I totally have ponytail envy for those women that can make a simple ponytail look so stylish. Mine makes me look like I’m a 12 year old girl who has no idea how to use a comb let alone a bobby pin
These eggs are great because they are portable, meaning you can grab a couple on your way out the door and eat them in bliss while you are sitting in traffic or waiting in the school drop off line!
They are customizable, so you can change up the veggies and you can even do all the prep work the night before.
[lead]3. Farmer’s Market Fresh Eggs[/lead]
scrambled egg on tomato slices
One of my favorite parts of summer is heirloom tomatoes from the farmer’s market. Use a thick slice tomato as a base for scrambled eggs, add avocado, sprinkle with chives and I’m in heaven!
This recipe makes scrambled eggs look so great and it tastes so fresh!
[lead]4. Fancy Fried Eggs[/lead]
fried egg with pico
Just laying 2 fried eggs on a plate makes eggs look so dull and dreary.
Add some pico de gallo (I cheat and just use the pre-chopped kind from the grocery store) and a little dab of goat cheese and you have elevated your fried egg to fancy status!
If you close your eyes and shut out the noise of kids yelling in the background, you could almost trick yourself into believing you’re at a nice Sunday Brunch. Almost.



[lead]5. Green Eggs, No Ham[/lead]

fried egg on salmon
Greens are so important to a healthy diet and pack major health benefits. This recipe is a great and simple way to sneak them into your breakfast.
A small handful of micro greens add a nice freshness to a fried egg, paired with a small piece of smoked salmon and you have yourself a protein packed fresh breakfast.
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