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The Leibster Award Nomination

leibster award

The super sweet Lauren from the Imperfect Adventures blog nominated The Domestic Dietitian for The Leibster Award and I could’t be more grateful and excited! Do me a favor and check out her wonderful site dedicated to living healthy with grace, compassion and humor! She has everything from delicious recipes, lifestyle tips and fitness posts on her site.


In the blogging world, the Liebster Award is online recognition given by bloggers to other new bloggers for enjoying or valuing their work. It is meant to highlight and credit favorite new up and coming blogs within our writing community.



  • Thank the blog that nominated you and link back to them
  • Answer 11 questions from the blogger that nominated you
  • Tell readers 11 random facts about yourself
  • Nominate up to 11 bloggers to receive the award next
  • Give your new nominees questions to answer about themselves when they post their nomination


Here are the questions Lauren from Imperfect Adventures sent to me to answer…

  1. What made you decide to start blogging?
    • Being a Registered Dietitian, I always loved sharing my knowledge and experience about healthy eating with others. There is so much new information about fitness, diet, and health on a daily basis that it gets overwhelming and hard to keep up on. After quitting my job to stay home once my 2 kids were born, I decided to start a blog as a way to force myself to stay on top of the nutrition information out there and to share my knowledge with others.
  2. What is a post that you’ve always wanted to write but haven’t yet?
    • I feel like there are so many!! Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with an idea about a post but then I forget. One post that I plan on writing is my process for meal planning. I do all the grocery shopping and cooking for my family and I swear by making a weekly meal plan! I intend to write a post all about how I find recipes to make, make my grocery list and tips for saving money (hello 1 income family). So stay tuned everyone, I promise soon!
  3. What is your vision for your blog?
    • I’d love for it to become a website people turn to on a daily basis for information and inspiration on a variety of wellness topics. Everything from nutrition, cooking, parenting, fashion/style, beauty, and fitness. I truly believe that health means so much more than just eating healthy, and I’d love eventually to have my blog encompass all parts of wellness.
  4. What is your favorite aspect of blogging?
    • I love that I have control over what is posted. I’ve had previous experiences in work and school where you are sometimes roped into writing/teaching/sharing information that doesn’t always pertain to the message you want to share. I love blogging because I get to share information that I truly believe.
  5. Who is your ideal sponsor?
    • Is it bad if I say a winery? Just Kidding, although I do love me some red wine. But in all seriousness, I would love to work with a company like Trader Joe’s (I love their stores, products and the people that work for them) or a product like Tessemae’s (I love their products and what they believe in) or La Croix (I’m obsessed!).
  6. If a pair of shoes could define you, what pair would it be?
    • Wedge Sandals….I love sandals (and sandal weather) and I love that wedges can be dressed up or dressed down for a more casual look. Very versatile, like me!
  7. What’s your favorite form of social media?
    • I love snapchat! I have a personal account and I think it’s so fun and silly. My girlfriends and I love having conversations with each other via snap. Plus their filters are fun.
  8. What are your favorite flowers?
    • Daffodils….they are seasonal so you know it’s spring when you start to see them and cheap, which I find most important in a flower.
  9. What is something that you would love to incorporate into your blog, but haven’t yet?
    • I’d love to incorporate more videos on the blog. I think videos like a quick cooking tutorial or kitchen tip would be fun and helpful.
  10. What is a part of your blog that you are most proud of?
    • The design of it. I had a friend help me (Thanks Vik) set up the account but then I had to navigate it myself and figure out how to write posts, change headings, change layouts/designs, etc. I’m not a huge tech-savy person, so I’m pretty proud of what I’ve learned how to do.
  11. As a blogger, what is it that makes your day?
    • I get so excited anytime someone (other than my husband..thanks honey!) comments on my blog. I’m a relatively new blog and don’t get many comments, so when I see when I celebrate!


  1. I can sit down and read a really good book in one sitting
  2. I love teeny-bopper tv shows (Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Veronica Mars)
  3. I used to be a horrible cook (honestly I had to google how to make rice) but now I love it and consider myself pretty darn good in the kitchen
  4. My husband and I went on our first date when we were 15 years old
  5. I had gestational diabetes with both of my pregnancies
  6. It took me 7 years to get my Bachelors Degree in College because I switched majors 5 times
  7. I absolutely hate talking on the phone, it gives me such anxiety
  8. I sliced my foot open in the ocean on a piece of Coral Reef in Thailand and had to get stitches in my foot without any anesthetic
  9. I cannot figure out how to correctly apply eyeliner
  10. I think wearing earrings makes my face look funny so I never wear them
  11. My favorite food is butter



I read these blogs on a daily basis! Check them out and show them some support…

The Joifull Life

The Belle Vie Blog

Whole Living Lauren

Mademoiselle Meets Marquillage and Macaroons

It’s Carmen

Carly Skinner

Amber Lately

Caffeinated Blog

Confessions of a Dietitian

The Whole Smiths

RDN Mama




Here are my 11 “getting to know your” questions for the nominated blogs…

  1. What is your favorite part of day?
  2. How do you unwind after a particularly stressful day?
  3. What is the best vacation you’ve ever been on?
  4. What made you decide to start blogging?
  5. What is one of your favorite posts you’ve written for your blog?
  6. How would you describe your blog in 3 words?
  7. What is your dream career?
  8. How many cars have you owned in your lifetime?
  9. What was your first job?
  10. How did you pick your blog’s name?
  11. What is your favorite dessert?


Congratulations to all the nominees! I truly love your blogs.

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