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Life Hacks – Lessons Learned this Week

life hacks domestic dietitian

[lead]I always find it so interesting when I learn some new little tip or trick that makes life just a tad bit simpler. Sometimes these things are so simple that I think “why didn’t I know this earlier”? Other times the tips are a bit more consequential and I can’t help but feel that people have been holding out on me my whole life by not sharing this information. [/lead]

So, I thought I’d take a little time to share just a few simple tricks I picked up this week. Who knows, maybe by sharing it will save someone else an extra couple minutes out of their day as well. You are welcome.

[highlight]Life Hacks Learned This Week…[/highlight]

  • Eggs are much cheaper to buy at Costco
    • We go thru an amazing amount of eggs at my house. I think this week alone we’ve used 20 eggs
    • We try to buy Cage Free, Organic Eggs but they can get pretty pricey. I think I was paying up to $5 for a dozen eggs
    • I found 2 dozen Cage Free, Organic Eggs at Costco for $6.29!
  • If you pre-peel and slice Ginger you can freeze it for later
    • I use a decent amount of fresh ginger in cooking, but I was getting so frustrated because it was going bad before I could use it all
    • If you cut off the skin, then cut it into 1 inch pieces, you can freeze it and just take out a piece as needed
  • I saved a little money at lunch by ordering steak fajitas instead of a grilled steak
    • Since I’m still doing my 21 day sugar detox, I have to limit certain foods, so going out to eat can be tricky
    • At lunch today, I wanted to get a grilled steak that came with avocado slices and roasted tomatoes, but it was $14.99 and a 9 oz portion, which I thought was a bit much for lunch
    • Instead, I ordered steak fajitas, which came with grilled steak, caramelized onions, grilled bell peppers, guacamole and pico de gallo. It only cost $9.95


What are some of your favorite life hacks? Share in the comments below!

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