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Mediterranean Diet Resources

Sharing some of my favorite and most used Mediterranean Diet Resources, including books, websites, blogs and recipe inspiration.

almonds honey and rosemary

Sharing some of my favorite and most used Mediterranean Diet Resources, including books, websites, blogs and recipe inspiration.

Learning about the Mediterranean Diet

Ever since refocusing this website in 2018 towards all things Mediterranean, it’s been a constant quest to continue learning all I can about this diet and lifestyle.

I thought it would be beneficial to share some of my favorite resources. This includes sites I enjoy for learning more about the Mediterranean Diet and for recipes, and lifestyle inspo.

Mediterranean Diet Books & Cookbooks

It just wouldn’t feel right to share our own cookbook as our #1 recommended resource –

the Mediterranean diet cookbook

The Mediterranean Diet Made Easy – Fresh, Vibrant Recipes for Better Health

I am a reading fanatic. If you like the feel of a hardbound book between your two hands, here are some of my favorites –

Websites for Mediterranean Diet Info

mediterranean diet resources

Besides recommending my own website, The Domestic Dietitian, as a resource for Mediterranean diet information these are a few of my favorite websites.

  • Olive Tree Nutrition – an amazing website full of great information about living a balanced life without fad diets, recipes and more!
  • The Mediterranean Dish – mouthwatering recipes and great videos about incorporating a healthy lifestyle
  • Oldways – amazing information related to the tradition and culture of The Mediterranean Diet

Some of my favorite Mediterranean Diet Inspired Recipes

I can personally vouch that I have made each of these recipes multiple times. They are some of my favorite to make for my own family.

I also have a ton of great information and recipe ideas over on Pinterest. Check out these two boards for more resources –

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mediterranean diet recipes and websites
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