Written by 4:43 am Appetizers, Recipes • 14 Comments

Mediterranean Nachos Recipe

mediterranean nachos recipe

I thought it was impossible to make nachos any tastier than they already are, until I had Mediterranean Nachos. Whole. New. Ballgame.

It’s been my goal recently to include more mediterranean style flavors into my family’s meals. Mainly because of the health reasons (high in healthy fats, vegetables, whole grains, and fresh herbs and less saturated fat, refined carbohydrates, empty calories) but also because I just love the freshness of greek style dishes. I think I’ve been pretty good at trying to reach that goal based on this Mediterranean Power Bowl, Grilled Eggplant with Fresh Tomato Salad, and My Favorite Lunch post.

Back to these  Mediterranean Nachos. I made them a couple weeks ago for the first time and honestly have had them about 10 times since then. They are so easy to prepare and just so dang good! I’ve had them as an appetizer for a get together (met with rave reviews), for lunch, for a late night snack, for dinner. You name it, they fit!

mediterranean nachos1

I used whole wheat pita pockets for the “chips”. Just cut them into triangles and bake them in the oven until they are crispy enough to act as a vessel for all the topping goodness. Then finally come the toppings! The key is to chop everything into equal bite size pieces. Diced cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, and fresh lemon juice create a kind of mediterranean relish. Add in hummus, tzatziki (I buy the pre-made one from Trader Joes), kalamata olives and top with fresh dill! You could easily add roasted chickpeas for some protein or even chopped up chicken. The possibilities are endless!

Give ’em and whirl and let me know what you think!

Mediterranean Nachos Recipe - so fresh, vibrant and easy to make! Healthy appetizer, lunch or snack. / The Domestic Dietitian


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