Written by 5:11 pm Mediterranean Diet & Nutrition • 2 Comments

My Personal Fitness Goals

Sharing how I’ve changed how I look at fitness from a less appearance based approach to one that required me to make fitness goals based on health and well-being.

talking a walk with double stroller and dog on a leash

I’ve never been a person that loves physical activity.

As a kid, we weren’t a “sports” family. We didn’t dance, play soccer or anything else that required money and free time. My sisters and I were active in other ways: we rode our bikes everywhere, went swimming in the summer, played tag, invented games in our court, etc. In the summer we played outside from the time we woke up until dinner was ready.

In high school I joined the swim team but that was really my first and only venture in a physical sport. I’ve always been naturally slender and viewed my weight as an indicator of my health status for the longest time.

Once I hit my late twenties, I began to notice that gone were the days of eating whatever I wanted without working out. My clothes were tighter, I got winded walking up a flight of stairs and could not do a pushup to save my life.

I would get all gung-ho about exercise and start a program, then quit after about 2 weeks in. I tried yoga, running, online fitness challenges, kick boxing, etc. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t find anything that I didn’t give up after a few weeks.

fitness goals

Photo via canva.com

It wasn’t until after having my kids that I started to look at fitness in a new light. Instead of focusing on staying thin, I have begun to look at it as a way to improve my health and well-being.

I recently sat down and had an honest look at my current fitness goals, obstacles that keep me from those goals, and ideas of ways to make fitness fun and enjoyable. Full disclosure – I will turn anything into an opportunity to make a list!

Step 1 – My Health & Fitness Goals: then vs now

I made a list of my previous goals/focus to compare with my current health goals. It’s comforting to me to see the shift in purely physical appearance to a more well-being focus.

fitness goals


Step 2 – Potential Obstacles

I am the queen of excuses, so I thought I’d get out of my own way by trying to think about what’s keeping me from meeting my goals and how to get around those obstacles.

list of possible challenges to meeting fitness goals


Step 3 – Making Fitness Fun

After finding out what is important to me, I wanted to think about ways to work fitness into my everyday life in a way that I enjoy.

list of ways to make fitness fun

I can’t wait to try some new things and edit the list as I go! Finding ways to exercise that make me feel stronger, confident in my own skin, allow me to spend time with my family and that is FUN!

Do you have any great tips or goals that have changed how you view fitness?

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