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National Nutrition Month 2017

national nutrition month 2017
National Nutrition Month 2017 kicks off on March 1st with the theme “Put Your Best Fork Forward”. 

March is National Nutrition Month. A month that Registered Dietitian’s dedicate towards helping spread nutrition and health knowledge.

This year’s theme is “Put Your Best Fork Forward”. A guide to remind us that each bite counts and that making small shifts in our food choices can set us up for a healthy and happy lifestyle.

National Nutrition Month 2017

Changing your eating habits can be very daunting and overwhelming. Especially if you think of it in the terms of “dieting”. My food philosophy is that eating healthy should be a lifestyle and that making small changes over time can really bring out your best self. Nothing is forbidden and eating should be fun, social, delicious and overall healthy at the same time.

I also live in the real world and know that eating healthy can be hard.

This entire month, I’ll be focusing on a different topic each week.

National Nutrition Month Weekly Topics on The Domestic Dietitian

  • Beverage Choices
  • Meal Makeovers of favorite dishes
  • Adding more home cooked meals
  • Eating healthy on a budget
  • Portion Size and Eating healthy away from home

Each week, I’ll be sharing posts relating to that week’s particular topic. The posts will range from tips, recipes, nutrition knowledge and fun challenge activities.

My goal is to get you to participate and make your own lifestyle changes!

We’ll be sharing little mini challenges on social media, so I hope you’ll follow us and join in on the fun. The links to our social media accounts are below:

What’s one goal you have this month to help yourself create a healthy lifestyle?


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