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Natural Remedies for Heartburn

Sharing natural remedies for heartburn after a popular heartburn medication was removed from shelves due to high levels of possible cancer causing substance.

natural remedies for heartburn

Sharing natural remedies for heartburn after a popular heartburn medication was removed from shelves due to high levels of possible cancer causing substance.

Zantac Pulled off Market

Earlier this month, the FDA announced that it requested manufactures of ranitidine (used to treat heartburn, commonly known as Zantac) remove their prescriptions and over the counter Zantac medicines from markets immediately.

The reason was that the medication was found to possibly have unacceptable levels of NDMA.

NDMA is short for N-nitrosodimethylamine and is a probable human carcinogen. Meaning that it’s a substance that could cause cancer.

According to the FDA, 96 nanograms/day of NDMA is the “acceptable” daily intake but sustained, high levels may increase risk of cancer.

Are Other Heartburn Medications Affected?

As per info found on the FDA’s website, no levels of NDMA have been currently found in Pepcid, Tagament, Nexium or Prevacid.

What Causes Heartburn?

Heartburn is a condition that affects many people and includes symptoms of indigestion and a painful, burning feeling in the middle of the chest or stomach.

There is a muscle at the entrance of the stomach, called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES for short). It’s job is to open to let food from the esophagus into the stomach and then close again to prevent food and acid from coming back up. When the LES opens too often or no longer closes tightly enough, acid from the stomach can rise into the esophagus. This acid is what causes the burning, painful feeling known as heartburn.

What Triggers Heartburn?

lemons are a cause of heartburn

While everyone is different and may have different reactions to certain things, there are a handful of common triggers that can increase heartburn.

Non-food related triggers

  • eating an overly large meal / overly full
  • lying down after eating
  • stress

Foods that can trigger heartburn

  • spicy foods
  • greasy foods
  • alcohol
  • chocolate
  • caffeine
  • onions
  • citrus fruits and juices
  • soda or carbonated beverages
  • tomatoes and tomato sauces

Avoiding these trigger foods may help with heartburn. Trying to eliminate one at a time can help determine which foods are a trigger fro you.

Natural Remedies for Heartburn

There are some remedies that can help reduce the symptoms of heartburn for some. It’s important to remember though that everyone is different and these may/may not work for you.

  • Avoid foods, especially at dinner time, that can trigger heartburn
  • Try having a lighter meal at dinner to help with heartburn at night
  • Wait 2-3 hours after eating before lying down
  • Elevate your head while sleeping (extra pillows, etc)
  • Loose fitting clothing

The following foods have shown to help with heartburn, but be sure to consult your doctor if you are taking certain medications to ensure there aren’t any food/drug interactions.

  • Ginger
  • Chewing Gum (chewing can increase your saliva production, which causes you to swallow more. This may help the acid in your mouth to be cleared more quickly)
  • Licorice
natural remedies for heartburn
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