Written by 2:03 pm Mediterranean Diet & Nutrition, Mediterranean diet Dinner Recipes, Recipes, Soup / Salad / Sides

Our Mediterranean Diet Thanksgiving Menu

While the holiday looks a bit different this year, we are celebrating with a Mediterranean Diet Thanksgiving and lots of love and laughter.

our Mediterranean diet thanksgiving menu

Incorporating the Mediterranean Diet into your Life

One of our goals this year has been to really incorporate the Mediterranean Diet into our life. By that, we mean finding realistic ways to add Mediterranean diet inspired recipes into our get togethers (which have been non-existent this year, thanks Covid), celebrations and even holidays. Case in point, a Mediterranean Diet Thanksgiving.

Since Thanksgiving is looking very different this year for my family (my daughter is nearing the end of her chemotherapy treatment for cancer and hello….Covid), so it’s on a much smaller scale. Still, we wanted to celebrate the holiday and find ways to work the Mediterranean Diet Principles into our dinner.

Our Mediterranean Diet Thanksgiving Menu

So we are sharing our Mediterranean diet inspired Thanksgiving Menu on the website this year. Please remember, this is just an example. We’ve mixed in some of our family favorites with some Mediterranean Diet inspired recipes that we love.

It’s important to note that we aren’t restricting anything or making anything off limits. Just a meal filled with delicious food and laughter. No guilt. Just pure enjoyment and thankfulness.


fall cheese board

Since it’s just my little family of 4 plus my mom, we aren’t going crazy on the appetizers.

That being said, we are having a fall inspired cheese board and a raw vegetable tray with my mom’s homemade ranch dressing.

My tip for holidays – having a grazing board like a cheese plate or veggies makes it easier to prep. Nothing to heat up or worry about keeping warm while your guests arrive.

The Main Event

I went back and forth on the entree this year but in the end, decided to keep it somewhat traditional for my family and have a turkey.

Next year I’d love to have some kind of fish entree as well as a turkey, but this year it didn’t make sense since it’s just my family and only 2 of us like fish.

All the Sides

Side dishes are one of my favorite parts of dinners like Thanksgiving. Our menu this year includes a combination of family favorites and some Mediterranean diet inspired dishes that we love.

Family Favorites –

  • Mashed Potatoes
  • German Spaetzle (we have this at every family function/holiday)
  • Mandarin Oranges (I don’t know why but this is always present at holiday dinners)

Mediterranean diet Inspired Favorites

New Recipes We’re Trying


warm apple cider mulled wine recipe

I’m definitely a fan of having a fun and festive cocktail around the holidays. This year we are keeping it pretty simple but still having a bit of fun with some –

Wishing You a Healthy, Happy Holiday

No matter what is on your menu or who you are celebrating with, we wish you a holiday filled with happiness and health.

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