Written by 7:53 pm Mediterranean Diet & Nutrition

Purple Cauliflower – Nutrition Knowledge

purple cauliflower

[lead]Have you ever seen such a beautiful vegetable? [/lead]

As a way to expand my culinary horizons, I’ve been trying to pick out a new vegetable when I go to the grocery store. Not only does it get me out of my cooking comfort zone but it’s been fun getting the kids involved with our vegetable choices.

purple cauliflower

I saw this purple cauliflower at the farmer’s market this weekend and just couldn’t get over how pretty it is! I’ve never cooked with colored cauliflower and couldn’t wait to try out a new recipe using this gorgeous veggie.

Purple cauliflower is a vegetable that peaks in cooler-seasons (i.e. fall/winter). The color is due to the presence of anthocyanin. Anthocyanin is an antioxidant that helps protect the body from harmful free radicals that can cause an increased risk of certain cancers. Anthocyanin is also found in purple cabbage and red wine.

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Fun Fact

While white cauliflower is part of the cabbage family, purple cauliflower is considered part of the broccoli family!


purple cauliflower nutrition

Nutrition Knowledge

  • May help regulate cholesterol levels
  • Can help stabilize blood sugar levels
  • Decreased risk of certain cancers
  • Low in calorie (1 cup = 25 calories)
  • 1 cup = 100% of your recommended daily Vitamin C

Purple cauliflower has the same flavor profile of white cauliflower and tastes great roasted, used in baked dishes or pureed to accompany a main dish. It’s an easy side dish to prepare but I’ve found that it’s also such a great conversation starter! We also eat with our eyes, so it’s a great way to add a little color as opposed to white cauliflower which can look a bit bland on a plate.

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purple cauliflower - nutrition and health benefits of this beautiful vegetable / The Domestic Dietitian


Have you ever had purple cauliflower?

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