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Raising Healthy Eaters – Toddler Food Review

toddler food review

[lead]As a mom, mealtime can be stressful, especially when trying to incorporate healthy foods into your kids’ meals. Will they eat it? Will they like it? Will they throw a fit and suddenly launch a one man hunger strike that even Gandhi would be proud of? [/lead]

It can be quite a let down when you take the time to prepare a dish that you think your kids will like and it just gets pushed around their plate until you can’t take the pouting anymore and just excuse the little ones from the table.

Well, have no fear, help is here. We try to make it routine that both of our kids have to try at least one bite of new foods, with the understanding that if they try it and don’t like it, they don’t have to eat anymore. As a result, Sophie has become pretty honest when it comes to letting us know what she likes and doesn’t like.

Here is her very first food review. She’s trying a bowl of Spinach and Garlic Soup that I made for my lunch today. The recipe is from the 21 Day Sugar Detox book, more information available on the Balanced Bites website. On a side note, this soup was awesome!

Let us know what you think about the video!

You can read more about the decision to start the sugar detox here.

If you are having trouble getting your kids to eat, there are some great suggestions in this 6 Tips for Raising Healthy Eaters article.



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