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Salmon Ceviche – Recipe Review

Salmon Ceviche

I don’t know about you, but I just love those types of dishes that are made with fresh, flavorful, and crisp flavors. They make me think of sunshine, fresh air, and keep you feeling satisfied but not like you could burst the button on your pants.

I stumbled across this recipe for Salmon Ceviche on Lyndi Cohen’s Nude_Nutritionist’s Instagram a few weeks ago and couldn’t stop staring at the photo! I took a screenshot of it (that’s how I remind myself of recipes I want to try from Instagram) and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

I made it last week and you guys….it was so freaking good! I had it for lunch, along  with a bowl of Garlic Edamame, and I literally scraped the plate. I had never made ceviche before, but it’s actually really simple. I made sure to purchase really fresh salmon since you technically use raw fish and just let the acids from the lime/lemon juice “cook” the fish for you.

making salmon ceviche

Making the Salmon Ceviche

This dish is so flavorful and fresh tasting. The fresh fruit juices are so vibrant and the pomegranate seeds offer such a great texture to the dish.

I would highly recommend this dish to anyone that loves lighter, fish salads. I am definitely going to add this recipe to my rotation.

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