Written by 11:28 am Mediterranean Diet & Nutrition

National Nutrition Month – Savor the Flavor

national nutrition month 2016

March 1st kicks off National Nutrition Month! A whole month devoted to promoting health, wellness, and eating well. When I used to work in the corporate world, I always loved National Nutrition Month because it meant planning activities, games, events, etc. dedicated towards the designated nutrition topic for that year.  The topics are determined each year by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

After over 10 years of celebrating National Nutrition Month as a Registered Dietitian, I think I can honestly say this year is the best theme so far. I LOVE it!

[blockquote size=”full|half|third|fourth|two-thirds|three-fourths” align=”left|center|right”]Savor the Flavor of Eating Right [/blockquote]

It’s all about practicing mindful eating, celebrating food and appreciating what nutritious food tastes like but also can do for your health and wellness. We’ll be focusing on enjoying food and learning how and why when you eat means just as much as what you eat. Nutritious food can be delicious and enjoyable, we’ll show you how all month long.

If you are interested in learning more about mindful eating, The Center for Mindful Eating has great resources a and information.


We’ll be celebrating here on The Domestic Dietitian all month long with tips on mindful eating, recipes, online challenges and contests! Be sure to check back often and get involved in the fun!




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