Written by 1:17 pm Mediterranean Diet & Nutrition • 2 Comments

The Domestic Dietitian’s New Years Goals

Sharing my thoughts on resolutions and a few of my New’s Years Goals for the Domestic Dietitian, including the website and social media channels.

mediterranean diet resources

Sharing my thoughts on resolutions and a few of my New’s Years Goals for the Domestic Dietitian, including the website and social media channels.

A Fresh New Year Ahead

I’ve always been the kind of person that looks forward to the New Year. To me, it feels like a mini refresh and somewhat like a clean slate. A great time to look back, reflect on the previous year and look forward to new challenges in the year to come.

As far as New Year’s resolutions go, I tend to make some goals or write down a few things I want to try and work towards. In the past year, I’ve started doing it on both a personal level and professional goals as well.

A few years ago, I wrote this article about Setting Goals Instead of Making Resolutions and this year I’m taking my own advice.

Sharing Goals with Others

One of the things I wanted to try is putting some of my goals out there and sharing them here on this space. Both to try and keep me a little more accountable but also because the goals I have for The Domestic Dietitian have to do with the vision I have for this space, which applies to you since you are reading this.

This past year I’ve seen a lot of growth for The Domestic Dietitian and I am so thankful to you for being a part of that. It’s been fun trying new things and constantly trying to learn and grow.

My New Year’s Goals for The Domestic Dietitian

I’m keeping a few goals and projects in the works a secret for now (more to come!) but in general, these are a few of my goals related to all things The Domestic Dietitian.

bowl of fresh berries
  1. Add more monthly series to the website – like one family focused meal/recipe every month, Tip Tuesday, etc.
  2. Branch out and have guest posts on the website from other people related to the Mediterranean Diet, health, nutrition, fitness etc.
  3. Start a facebook group as a resource for people trying the Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle
  4. Include more tips on social media on practical ways to incorporate the Mediterranean diet into your life
  5. More research on health topics and the connection between the Mediterranean Diet
  6. Add more video to the website and social media
  7. Include a store on the website (or an amazon storefront) as a resource for some of my favorite spices, sauces, kitchen items, cookbooks, etc
  8. Update the website layout to be more dynamic and user friendly

Wishing You a Happy & Healthy New Year

Whether you believe in resolutions, goals, something in between or nothing at all, I wish you a healthy and happy start to the New Year.

Thank you for being a part of this journey and I hope you continue to be a part of the The Domestic Dietitian.



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