Written by 7:47 am Appetizers, Recipes • One Comment

The Holy Grail of Hummus

[lead]Hummus is an excellent food to have in your fridge for a quick and easy snack.[/lead]Using it in place of ranch dressing or dip with chopped up veggies is a great way to not only get your veggies for the day but hummus also provides protein and fiber for your healthy lifestyle. Another option is to serve with a few slices of flatbread and a salad for lunch for a filling meal.

hummus ingred


The best part…it is soooo easy (and cheap) to make! A couple cans of Chickpeas, Lemon Juice, Garlic, and Tahini (a paste made from sesame seeds, can be found at most grocery stores now).




My favorite recipe, which I refer to as the Holy Grail of Hummus, comes none other from the Queen herself….Miss Ina Garten (aka Barefoot Contessa).


I make mine in a Vitamix but can easily be done in a food processor. Once it’s finished, I like to jazz it up a little by drizzling the top with some good Olive Oil and a little bit of smoked paprika.


You can find the Barefoot Contessa’s recipe here.



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