Written by 6:01 pm Mediterranean Diet & Nutrition • 2 Comments

Week #1 of my 21 Day Sugar Detox – A Review

pink grapefruit cut in half

[lead]I made it thru Week #1 of my sugar detox! I’m not going to sugar-coat it (a little pun there), it’s been a little tough. [/lead]

Many people were asking how it was going, so I figured I’d share my thoughts at the end of each week of the program so far. No holds bard, my honest opinion after week #1:

  • I miss wine, especially at night after the kids go to bed
    • Drinking water while watching a movie just isn’t as fun
  • I feel like I am always cooking, it’s a lot of prep/planning for each meal
    • Everything you eat on this program is made fresh, using fresh ingredients, so it’s understandable that you are going to be cooking a lot
    • Week #1 I followed the exact meal plan listed in the book, so it was a lot of cooking because I didn’t know the recipes or how long each dish would take
  • I need to be better about having snacks ready on hand because there are times when I get insanely hungry in between meals
    • There are some great snacks listed in the book (the beef jerky is amazing!), I just have to prep them in advance so I have them ready to go when hunger strikes
  • I feel like I am always washing the dishing (which make sense since there is a lot of meal prep)
  • I was super cranky on Day #3, 4, 5 (body getting used to no sugar)


I do have to say I really like the recipes in the 21 Day Sugar Detox book…they are really good. Also, I’m not as cranky as I was earlier in the week, but am still a little fatigued during the day.

For Week #2, I’m modifying the menu in the official program book to make it a little easier as far as meal prep goes (simplifying breakfast a little bit to save on time) but still within the program guidelines.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below or email me!


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