Written by 5:35 pm Mediterranean Diet & Nutrition, Recipes • 3 Comments

Our Weekly Meal Plan – Series

weekly meal plan

[highlight]A weekly series, featuring my family’s meal plan for the week. Including recipe links and meal prep tips.[/highlight]

I got a lot of great feedback last week after sharing my family’s weekly meal plan! Thank you so much for your kind words and comments. I posted our meal plan again for this week, along with recipe links and any misc notes for meal prep on certain days.

weekly meal plan



  • Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwich from Starbucks (treating ourselves!)
  • Lunch: Out to Eat
  • Dinner: Dining at a friend’s house
  • Notes: Don’t have to cook at all today…yessss!



  • Breakfast: Protein Smoothie
  • Lunch: Leftover Tomato & Herb Salad with Quinoa
  • Dinner: Grilled Steak, White Bean Tarragon Salad
  • Notes: Kids are having Gnocchi and peas for dinner since we get home from swim lessons right around dinner time. Dan & I will eat after they go to bed.


  • Breakfast: Protein Smoothie
  • Lunch: Balela with Avocado, Sliced Salami
  • Dinner: Roasted Chicken, Pesto Portobello Mushrooms
  • Notes: Kids having pretzels with hummus, avocado and sliced salami for lunch. They will have the same dinner as us, except plain mushrooms instead of pesto.


  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs
  • Lunch: Leftover Balela
  • Dinner: Baked Salmon, Curried Lentils (recipe coming soon), Garlic Edamame
  • Notes: Kids are having chicken fried rice with vegetables for dinner, Dan & I eating after they go to bed.


  • Breakfast: Strawberry Overnight Oats
  • Lunch: Leftovers
  • Dinner: Grilled Pork, Green Salad, Black Bean Soup
  • Notes: Use up any leftovers for lunch. Kids will have whatever is leftover from the week for dinner.


We tend to eat out on Saturdays or pick something up while we are out and about. I don’t menu plan for this day. If we are home, we just eat whatever is leftover from the week.

Hope you have a great week! Anyone trying any new recipes this week in their house?

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