Written by 12:08 pm Food

Weekly Round Up

[highlight]A weekly summary of  this week’s healthy hits & misses and what I’m looking forward to next week.[/highlight]

I have to admit this week has been a pretty strong one health & fitness wise. Although personal wellness stunk this week, the kids were extra needy and whiny so not a lot of “me” time. I guess that’s the way life goes though, some weeks are going to be strong, healthy and fulfilling while others are going to be a struggle. Balance.

workout clothes

Laying out my workout clothes the night before helped me

As I mentioned last week, this Monday kicked off the first week of the Tone It Up Bikini Series Challenge. I am very proud to announce that I have so far worked out every single day for the past 5 days. That is huge considering I used to work out 1 day then didn’t do anything for the next 2 3 4 weeks. Some days were easier than others to fit it in, but I made sure every day to find at least 20 minutes to do something. I had every intention of waking up early (i.e. before the kids) to squeeze in my workouts before they woke up, but that didn’t happen one single time. I did find that I could finish a set of toning moves while they ate breakfast. I think the key for me this week was realizing that just because I didn’t get to work out first thing in the morning like I planned didn’t mean that the whole day was a bust.

shaved asparagus salad

This Prosciutto and Shaved Asparagus salad was so fresh and delicious.

Nutrition wise I had a few misses but mostly ate fresh, lean and healthy all week. One day this past week was a doozy of a day, the kids were sick, Dan was traveling for work, nobody would take a nap and I was at my wit’s end. I will fully admit to eating my daughter’s Hello Kitty fruit snacks (like 4 packets!) after I finally got a moment of peace and quiet that night. No shame in the game. I enjoyed them and then moved on.

I think it helps to have a motivator for fitness and nutrition. My biggest motivation is that I’m headed to Hawaii next weekend!! Thinking about being in a swimsuit has definitely helped me stay on track.

_MG_2496Looking forward to warm weather this weekend and no plans!

How was your week?

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