Written by 8:00 am Mediterranean Diet & Nutrition

Choosing Healthy Beverages

soda bottles

100% True Story: The other day I was at the store and the man in front of me at the checkout was purchasing 5 cases of Mountain Dew, 2 cases of Lemonade, and about 12 bottles of blue Kool-Aid. The employee ringing him up asked if he was having a party, to which he replied something along the lines of “no, I gave up coffee as my new year’s resolution so I have to stock up on other beverages”.

I wanted very badly to ask him why he was giving up coffee (I would assume perhaps as an effort to reduce caffeine) and to give him a mini overview of the pitfalls of soda and sugary drinks. Not to mention the amount of caffeine found in the soda he was stockpiling is higher than a cup of coffee. But the kids were on the edge a meltdown and I’m not the type of person to randomly engage with strangers.

As I left the store, I couldn’t stop thinking about this man and how there are probably many people like him, that have great intentions when it comes to making healthier choices, but perhaps don’t really know where to start. [blockquote size=”full|half|third|fourth|two-thirds|three-fourths” align=”left|center|right”]And let’s face it, beverages are sneaky. They are often full of extra calories and hidden sugars while offering little to no nutritional value. They don’t leave us feeling full, so it’s easy to over consume them quickly.[/blockquote].

So welcome to Beverage Bootcamp…a week long discussion on common beverages (the good, the bad and the ugly) and how to make sure you aren’t ruining your healthy lifestyle with lousy liquids.


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