Written by 5:13 pm Mediterranean Diet & Nutrition

Why the Media Needs to Stop Creating Fear of Fruit and Vegetables

A recently study regarding The Mediterranean Diet and Pesticide levels is just another example of the media creating fear over health.

bowl of Brussels sprouts Mediterranean diet and pesticide

Flashy headlines and sensationalized articles are just one of many ways that the media continues to create confusion and fear over the nutrition and health. The newest article published compares the Mediterranean diet and pesticide levels as a way to encourage people to fear fruits and vegetables.

The Latest Mediterranean Diet Headline

A recent article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition summarizes a randomized study that intended to analyze the levels of pesticides in an organic versus conventional Mediterranean style diet.

Study Details

  • 27 British Students
  • 2 week study
  • 1/2 the Group = Mediterranean diet with all organic produce
  • Other 1/2 of the Group = Mediterranean diet with only conventional produce
  • Diet before/after the 2 week intervention = “traditional Western diet” (quoted as per the article)
  • Analyzed urine for chemicals and pesticides after 2 weeks of organic/non-organic diet

The study concluded that the amount of pesticides and chemicals in the group that ate the non-organic “Mediterranean diet” were much higher when compared to those in the group that only ate an organic Mediterranean diet.

Limitation of the Study

  • Only 27 people
  • Only lasted 2 weeks
  • Diets were not standardized
  • Diet information relies upon each participant recorded what and how much they eat
  • Didn’t take into effect any other factors such as environment, plastic containers, other sources of chemicals tested for etc.

What the Media Has Said

The media took this story and ran with it. Some flashy headlines include –

  • Common Diet Hailed as “World’s Best” May Harm Your Fertility
  • Switching from “Western” foods to non-organically grown fruit, veg and whole grains can TRIPLE the pesticides you consume and weaken your immune system
  • Mediterranean diet Increased Pesticide Exposure Unless You Go Organic
  • Western Diet better than Mediterranean Diet

The media is no stranger to creating confusion and sensationalized headlines when it comes to health. Every year multiple sites publish the “Dirty Dozen”, a list of fruits and vegetables that they warn contain the most pesticides.

My Issue with These Headlines

First and foremost, the authors of the study themselves state that there are too many limitations from the study to draw any conclusions. They say it’s too small of a sample (only 27 people), there were many uncontrolled variables and other possible causes for the increased urinary levels that were not analyzed.

The study did NOT evaluate what the levels of chemicals found in their participants have on human health. Instead, online publications used quotes and hypothetical situations from random “experts” not associated with the study to provide quotes about “infertility”, “growth stunt”, “weak immune system”.

The study researchers themselves admitted they did not account for other factors, such as cosmetics, plastics or environmental factors, that participants may have used and could have affected the results.

They also use this small sample of information to make generalized statements claiming that unless you eat all organic produce, you shouldn’t eat any produce at all. They infer that a traditional ‘Western” diet is better than a Mediterranean diet without organic produce. Leading people to believe that if they want to have better health, they shouldn’t eat conventional fruits and veggies and instead continue with their pre-packaged, fried and overly sugary, saturated fat foods.

Organic vs Non Organic Mediterranean Diet

The argument of organic versus non organic foods is a long standing debate among health experts. Personally, there are some items that I try to buy organic and if it’s within my budget then I try to purchase them whenever possible. That being said, my budget does not include room for a lot of organic foods. I also feel perfectly comfortable buying conventional fruits and vegetables. I truly believe the benefits of conventional produce outweigh the risk of not eating any produce at all.

I believe this study has opened the door for more research on the harmful and overuse of pesticides and chemicals in food processing methods. I believe lots more research is needed. I’m also angry that instead of media outlets and people being outraged at the pesticide companies instead they focus on spreading harmful information towards the Mediterranean diet. Why aren’t we seeing headlines like “Pesticide Use may Create Fertility Issues” rather than demonizing a century old diet that has been proven one of the healthiest in the world year after year.

Feel free to read more about The Health Benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

  1. Do I believe that pesticide and chemical use is a potential issue? You bet.

2. Do I believe that organic produce most likely contains less chemicals and pesticides than their conventional version? Yes.

3. Do I think most people can afford all organic produce? No way.

4. Do I think that it’s healthier to not eat any fruits or vegetables if they aren’t organic? Absolutely NOT.

5. Do I think that the Mediterranean Diet is worse for our health than a Western diet? Not one bit.

6. Do I think these articles are harmful to the general public? Yes.

7. Will I continue to encourage people to follow a Mediterranean diet in their own lives for the sake of their heart health, diabetes, cholesterol, cancer risk, blood pressure, and brain health? Yes, Yes, Yes.

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