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Halloween Snack Ideas for Kids

Find a balance between all the treats this season with these 4 Healthy Halloween Snack Ideas for Kids that are easy to create.

healthy halloween snack ideas for kids

Find a balance between all the treats this season with these 4 Healthy Halloween Snack Ideas for Kids that are easy to create.

Nothing Cuter than Kids in Costumes

I absolutely love Halloween, especially since having kids and getting to see them dress up in their costumes. Their excitement for all things plastic spiders, pumpkins and candy is contagious.

My little ones are still young enough that they have to run to each house while trick or treating. Luckily we only have to hit about 10 houses before they are satisfied with their bounty and we can call it a night.

Healthy Halloween Snack Ideas

Now that my kids are school age, I have come to realize there are so many treat oriented get togethers that surround halloween.  

Between school carnivals, after school parties, and sports festivities, the amount of candy, cupcakes, and cookies can get a little out of hand. So, I created these 4 Healthy Halloween Snacks Ideas for kids that are still fun and festive, while also providing a little nutrition.

Mini Jack O’ Lanterns

mini jack o lantern oranges

My kids love the little cuties and mandarin oranges that are just coming into season this time of year.

To create this fun snack, just take a black marker and draw little pumpkin faces on the oranges to create these mini Jack O’ Lanterns.

Mummy Yogurts

mummy yogurts halloween snack

Yogurt is a kid favorite and there are so many great options that come in the squeeze tubes these days.

To create these mummies, I simply took strips of cheesecloth and wrapped them around each yogurt tube. To finish off the look, glue on some black eyes made from construction paper. If you can’t find cheesecloth, you could also use strips of gauze.

Spooky String Cheese

spooky string cheese halloween snack idea

This is so simple and makes all the kids laugh. All you have to do is take a black, permanent marker and draw two bigs 0’s for eyes and a big 0 for a mouth on each string cheese.

Monster Mouth Bites

monster mouth bites peanut butter apple snack for halloween

This is is a little more time consuming, but an easy way to create a fun, filling snack that will give kids enough energy to last through all the Halloween fun!

Cut an apple into wedges and remove the core (I just used an apple slicer). Depending on the size of each apple slice, you may need to cut it in half again so it’s not too thick. Spread peanut butter (or nut butter of your choice) onto one side of each apple slice. Take a few mini marshmallows and stack on top of peanut butter to create “teeth”. Then stack the remaining apple slice on top (peanut butter side down) to create a monster mouth bite.

If you need a nut allergy friendly version, Sunflower Butter is a great alternative to peanut/nut butter.

Finding Balance

halloween snack ideas for kids

These treats are a fun way to celebrate the fun of Halloween while finding a balance between all the treats and candy.

halloween snack ideas for kids school

I think everything in moderation is a great message to pass on to kids, while still being fun and festive.

Looking for More?

It can’t all be about the kids, so how about some halloween fun for adults too?

These Savory Kraken Pot Pies from Feast in Thyme would be a fun spooky themed dinner idea for parents.

Also, apples dipped in this Small Batch Salted Caramel Sauce from Hunger, Thirst Play will be on repeat all season long at my house!


We also have a whole Pinterest Board dedicated to Kid Friendly Snack Ideas if you are looking for some new inspiration!



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