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Homemade Spice Mixes

Homemade spice mixes are the perfect way to have ready-made seasonings on hand when cooking. Save time, money and add flavor with these DIY spice blends. 

homemade spice mixes

Homemade spice mixes are the perfect way to have ready made seasonings on hand when cooking. Save time, money and add flavor with these simple DIY spice blends.

One of my girlfriends is notorious for saying “I like spice in my life, not in my food”.

While I agree with her in the sense that I don’t like having spicy food, I can’t live without my spice cabinet.

It’s my dream to one day wander the aisles of an outdoor spice market in a foreign country. For now, I’ll just have to stick to my local grocery stores.

I’ve recently discovered the beauty of making homemade spice mixtures and seasoning blends. I don’t know about you but I am not one of those people that ever has a packet of taco seasoning available when I need it.

homemade spice mixes 1

So when I stumbled upon these adorable tiny mason jars in the dollar bins at Target, I figured they’d be perfect to store my favorite homemade spice mixes. Plus the top is chalkboard, how fun!

So far I’ve made 3 different blends that I use all the time.

Homemade Taco Seasoning

  • Season ground beef/chicken/turkey for taco salads, like this Colorful Taco Salad recipe
  • Add to scrambled eggs or breakfast burritos
  • Delicious on grilled shrimp
  • Perfect for seasoning steak for burrito bowls

Homemade Greek Seasoning

  • Add to olive oil to create an amazing greek salad dressing
  • Great for marinating chicken and fish
  • Delicious on these Mediterranean Nachos

Homemade Ranch Seasoning

  • Delicious as a dry rub on chicken
  • Mix with greek yogurt to create a healthier ranch dressing/dip for vegetables
  • Sprinkle on top of roasted vegetables for a flavorful side dish
  • Amazing on top of roasted potatoes


Homemade spice mixes are the perfect way to have ready-made seasonings on hand when cooking. Save time, money and add flavor with these DIY spice blends. 

Herbs and spices can offer such great flavor without having to add additional salt, butter, cream or heavy sauces. The great folks at Foodal have a great Herb & Spices knowledge section on their blog! It’s filled with so much great information about the benefits of different herbs and spices.

What are your go-to spice combinations when cooking?


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