We’ve collected, gathered and organized Mediterranean Diet information into one central location. Whether you are new to this lifestyle or just wanting to learn more about the benefits…this is the place for you.
Click on any of the links below to read more on each topic.
If you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out! You an email us at brynn@thedomesticdietitian.com and we’ll be happy to answer your questions or point you in the right direction.
What is The Mediterranean Diet and How Do You Start?
Here you’ll find general Mediterranean Diet Information, such as an overview of the diet and how to create a more mediterranean diet inspired lifestyle in your own home.
Practical Mediterranean Diet Tips
Below are some articles related to applying the mediterranean diet to your real life, to make it easy, affordable and fun.

Mediterranean Diet on a Budget – 9 Money Saving Tips

Mediterranean Diet Meal Prep Ideas Based on Time

The Mediterranean Diet and Heart Disease

How to Stress Less this Holiday Season

What does Eating a Plant Based Diet Mean?

Mediterranean Diet Inspired Goals for the New Year

Is Red Wine Healthy?

What People Get Wrong about the Mediterranean Diet

10 Healthy, Affordable Mediterranean Diet Hacks

What I learned about eating in Italy
Mediterranean Diet Recipe Collections
We have an entire arsenal of recipes on the website, but these are specific collections that we’ve curated of Mediterranean Diet inspired recipes. Some are holiday inspired, others are specific to certain functions…like brunches, bbq’s, etc.

Mediterranean Diet Super Bowl Snacks

14 Mediterranean Diet Tomato Recipes You’ll Love

Mediterranean Diet Memorial Day Tips

21 Mediterranean Diet Summer Salads

Mediterranean Diet Inspired 4th of July Recipes

Best Holiday Appetizers – Mediterranean Diet Inspired

56 Homemade Dips, Dressings and Sauces

Our Mediterranean Diet Thanksgiving Menu

Thanksgiving Side Dishes – Small Gathering Approved

59 Meatless Meals and Recipes

Mediterranean Diet Inspired Packed Lunches

91 Ways to Use Greek Yogurt

55 Healthy Fish Recipes

26 Mediterranean Diet Brunch Ideas