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Weekly Menu: Plan vs Reality

weekly menu

I try to be as real as possible on this blog. However, a friend last weekend told me she wanted to bring my kids some Halloween cookies but her husband said that I don’t allow them to eat sweets. Thankfully, she told him she didn’t care and brought them cookies anyway.

Let’s get real…my kids eat sweets. Sometimes more than they probably should. I personally love sweets. Candy, cookies, cake, brownies; I don’t discriminate. Sweets are a great part of life. I also think they fit into a healthy lifestyle in moderation. Are they good for you? Not really. Do I enjoy them? You bet. Do my kids enjoy sweets? Absolutely.

That conversation with my friend got me thinking. As I looked back through old blog posts on this site, I realized that I talked about enjoying “indulgent” foods in moderation, but never really posted about our experiences with them.

So, in an effort to show that even at a Registered Dietitian’s house, real life wins out over health food on occasion. I used to share my family’s weekly meal plan to give recipe examples. However, I never showed that often times what I had “planned” never quite worked out 100%.

Therefore, I’m sharing what I call my Weekly Meal Plan vs. Reality. It shows what I had planned to eat last week versus what we actually ate. It doesn’t always match. Life gets in they way. Stuff comes up, schedules change, moods change. That’s just life. You have to learn to just roll with the punches, enjoy what life throws at you and try to be prepared as best as you can. Don’t stress out if you indulge instead of following your meal plan. Enjoy your indulgence (without feeling guilty) and then move on and get back on track.


weekly menu

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Tags: Last modified: December 14, 2020