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What We Ate & Loved – Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan Week 15

Sharing our family’s Mediterranean Diet meal plan for recipe links and meal ideas for anyone needing inspiration.

mediterranean diet meal plan week 15

A weekly series where we share our family’s actual Mediterranean diet meal plan, along with a few things we’ve been loving this past week. The goal is to simply share meal and recipe ideas. 

Our Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

We share our family’s weekly meal plan simply for meal ideas and recipe inspiration for anyone else looking for suggestions. Please keep in mind that every family and person is different and this is just what works for us. 

We’ve saved all our previous weekly meal plans in one convenient location – Weekly Mediterranean Diet Meal Plans. 

How We Meal Plan

We go more in depth on how we go about planning meals in this post – Meal Planning Guide but just to quickly summarize – 

  • Breakfast is usually pretty standard in our house so I don’t include it on our meal plan list
  • My kids either bring a bagged lunch or buy hot lunch at school so I only meal plan for my lunch (and my husband if he is working from home that day)
  • I include notes on some days to indicate if the meal is something we have to make quickly, on the go, etc. This really helps when it comes to planning meals and buying food to know our schedule in advance. 
  • On Saturdays we typically eat leftovers and eat out for lunch or dinner. I indicate that on the meal plan each week but just in case you were wondering 

What We Ate This Week

After Easter and lots of jelly beans, we decided to try and focus this week on plants, plants, plants and more plants. Meaning – lots more fruits, veggies, beans and nuts added into our meals.

If you are looking for more info on the importance of plants in your meals, check out What Does Eating a Plant Based Diet Even Mean?

Mediterranean diet meal plan wk 15

Recipes Links to What We Ate

These are the recipe links for the meal plan items we ate this past week. Some things we ate don’t have a link or recipe…for example the Turkey & Swiss sandwich.

I switched it up this week and used this Tuna Salad recipe from Cupcakes & Cashmere. It was really, really good! I like that it gets pureed all together in the food processor.

I discovered last year that my kids love artichokes (perhaps mainly because they get to dip them into melted butter) but my method of cooking them is easy – cut off the bottom stem, put them in a glass bowl with a little bit of water and cook them in the microwave for 8-10 minutes.

White Beans with Chimichurri is such an easy to put together dish. I simply placed a drain can of white, northern beans in a bowl, added in Chimichurri (I get mine at Trader Joe’s) and then added in a chopped cucumber. It is so flavorful and easy!

What We Loved this Week

This is the area where we share some products we’ve been loving, a kitchen gadget or just anything we recently discovered that saves time in the kitchen.

This past week was full of baseball, softball and after school activities. Along with some seasonal allergies thrown in the mix.

Two things that we used repeatedly this past week –

Stainless Steel Food Containers

homemade lunchable ideas

These stainless steel containers we shared in this DIY Homemade Lunchables post. They work great for taking snacks and meals on the go. We brought cheese and cracker style meals to evening baseball games this week and it saved time and money.

Canned Beans

The second item we’ve been loving are simply canned beans. No overnight soaking required. You can simply drain, rinse and add them to soups and salads. They are budget friendly, convenient, and a good source of fiber and protein.

Check out this collection of 80 Recipes Using Canned Beans for tons of recipe ideas.

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