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Why We are Participating in Dry January Again

Sharing our reasons and goals for participating in Dry January for the second year in a row and what we hope to get out of the experience.

why we are participating in dry January

Dan and I are participating in Dry January for the second year in a row. Sharing some of our favorite alcohol alternatives, mocktails and tips for going alcohol free.

What is Dry January

According to all mighty Google, Dry January is a public health campaign that started in 2013 or 2014 in England. It encouraged people to abstain from drinking alcohol for 30 days for multiple health benefits.

It has since caught on and across the globe, you will find many participants giving up alcohol and going dry for the month of January.

Why We Participate in Dry January

Last year was our first year officially participating in dry January. You can read about Why We Chose to Go Dry here.

We really enjoyed the experience and decided to participate again this year. Here are some of the reasons we decided to abstain from alcohol for the month of January.

A Healthy Little Reset

While it’s true that there are a few Health Benefits of Drinking Red Wine, it’s no secret that not drinking alcohol is healthier than drinking any at all.

Some health benefits from abstaining alcohol include –

  • A Stronger Immune System
  • Less Bloating
  • Better hydration

According to a well established dermatologist, abstaining from alcohol (even for just 30 days), can greatly improve your skin. Something I know many of us are interested in after a holiday season full of sweets, late nights and dry, winter weather.

Better Productivity

Last year during our Dry January, Dan got his real estate license and pilot license…talk about productivity!

I just want to preface by saying that before going dry, we typically enjoyed a few glasses of red wine in the evenings and a cocktail or beer or two on the weekends. We tended to not drink on Monday and Tuesdays.

For me, drinking is less about the drink and more about the ritual of unwinding, relaxing and turning off the “workday” mode. I found that during Dry January, without that winding down ritual, I had to find other ways to relax.

I was able to wake up earlier, work daily exercise into my habits more and get more of those “maybe someday I’ll get around to that” task list.

Saving Money

pouring red wine

Alcohol and wine isn’t cheap. It adds up. Going 30 days without having to worry about paying for cocktails at dinner, keeping our wine rack stocked or beer fridge full, definitely helps us save money on our grocery budget.

If you are looking for more budget saving tips, check out this post – Mediterranean Diet on a Budget, 9 Money Saving Tips.

Better Sleep

Sleep is high on my list of priorities. Always has been, always will be. There is no doubt that I notice a huge improvement on the quality of my sleep during dry January. Getting adequate sleep plays a critical role in memory, brain health and the functioning of the cells in your body. According to several studies on the subject, many people find they can fall asleep faster after drinking moderate amounts of alcohol but they don’t remain asleep. In fact, they often make up several times during the second half of their sleep each night.

Our Tips for 30 Days of No Alcohol

The biggest adjustment for us (my husband and I) was the ritual surrounding drinking. The wine in the evenings after the kids went to bed, the going out for a cocktail to celebrate the end of a long week, etc. For us, it was important to find other things to fill in those ritual voids.

  • Find a great cocktail to enjoy for celebratory occasions – check out this list of 15 Refreshing Mocktails
  • Enjoy sparkling water or sparkling juice in a fancy glass…I love drinking this Grapefruit Sparkling Water out of a fancy wine or cocktail glass
  • Sip on a nice mug of hot tea to unwind in the evening

Last year we were introduced to Ritual Zero Proof, which is a cocktail alternative. We really enjoyed their products to create cocktails, like this Alcohol Free Whiskey Sour Mocktail. It’s fun when you want a step up from ordinary sparkling water or other non-alcoholic beverages.

Cheers to the next 30 Days!

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Last modified: February 5, 2024