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August Seasonal Produce with Summer Recipes

Sharing our August Seasonal Produce Guide to let you know what’s in season this month and recipes that feature all those delicious picks.

august seasonal produce guide with summer recipes

Our August Seasonal Produce Guide shows just how great the fruits and vegetable selection is during August. It features summer favorites like watermelon, berries and corn with a few fall favorites staring to show up as well.

August Seasonal Produce

Well here we are…the peak of the summer season. Some kids have already returned back to school (whatever happened to not returning until after Labor Day?) and others are taking their final summer trip.

Whatever category you find yourself in, there is still lots of summer seasonal produce to be enjoyed!

This month is a showcase of delicious fruits and vegetables of all colors. August seasonal produce is truly wonderful. So much variety.

Why Choose Seasonal Produce?

When you eat fruit and vegetables during their “season”, you often get them at their ripest and best tasting time. I think we can all agree that a hothouse tomato in December just doesn’t compare to a garden fresh tomato in August. 

Sometimes when produce is grown off peak, a ripening agent has to be used, which can include the use of chemicals and heat treatments. Some research indicates that the nutritional value of some produce items aren’t as high when eating off season.

Probably one of my favorite reasons for eating seasonally is saving money. The price of certain produce depends on where you live and how far they have to ship it from but typically produce is cheaper when it’s in season. For example, a pint of strawberries in the peak of summer can often sell for only $2.50 but try buying tasteless strawberries in January and you’ll pay up to $5 for the same size!

What’s in Season in August

August is a great time for produce because you’ll see your summer favorites (hello corn and watermelon), along with the start of some winter favorites (hey there winter squash).

august seasonal recipe guide

Recipes Featuring August Produce

So now you know what’s in season this month, but what should you make with it? Here are some of our favorite recipes featuring August seasonal produce.

Breakfast Recipes

Lunch and Dinner Recipes

Salads and Side Dishes

Snacks and Sweets

Don’t forget that fresh summer fruit sometimes makes the best desserts! Naturally sweet and they pair so well with favorites like ice cream and chocolate.

More Great Summer Recipes

There are so many recipes we have bookmarked to try this summer in our Summer Meals Pinterest Board.

Mediterranean Diet summer meals

We also love these summer recipe collections when you need a bit of inspiration –

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