Seafood and The Mediterranean Diet
Fish and seafood are an integral part of the Mediterranean diet. Which is no surprise considering most of the countries that this style of eating is based on surround the Mediterranean Sea.
On the Mediterranean diet Food Pyramid, fish and seafood are recommended often – about two times a week.
This correlates with the current (which are in the process of being updated as we speak) Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which recommends about 8oz of fish per week for the general population. This roughly translates into 2 servings a week.
Health Benefits of Seafood
Fish are a great part of a healthy diet because they are a lean source of protein while being low in saturated fat. They are also a source of iodine, zinc, and certain vitamins.
One of the biggest benefits is that they are a source of Omega 3 fatty acids.
Read more about Omega 3s and Seafood in this article.
Our Favorite Mediterranean Diet Seafood Recipes
We are no strangers to seafood recipes here at The Domestic Dietitian. We’ve rounded up our favorites to date –
More Seafood Resources
Check out these other articles for even more great information about the power of seafood –