Written by 7:00 am Mediterranean Diet & Nutrition, Recipes

What We Ate and Love – Med Diet Meal Plan Week 10

Sharing what our family at and loved this week as part of our weekly Med diet meal plan with recipes and cooking tips.

med diet meal plan

Our weekly series where we share our family’s Med Diet Meal Plan as a way to share recipe ideas and meal ideas for the Mediterranean diet.

Our Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

We share our family’s weekly meal plan simply for meal ideas and recipe inspiration for anyone else looking for suggestions. Please keep in mind that every family and person is different and this is just what works for us. 

Check out our previous weekly Mediterranean Diet Meals and Menus here – 

How We Meal Plan

We go more in depth on how we go about planning meals in this post – Meal Planning Guide but just to quickly summarize – 

  • Breakfast is usually pretty standard in our house so I don’t include it on our meal plan list
  • My kids either bring a bagged lunch or buy hot lunch at school so I only meal plan for my lunch (and my husband if he is working from home that day)
  • I include notes on some days to indicate if the meal is something we have to make quickly, on the go, etc. This really helps when it comes to planning meals and buying food to know our schedule in advance. 
  • On Saturdays we typically eat leftovers and eat out for lunch or dinner. I indicate that on the meal plan each week but just in case you were wondering 

What We Ate this Week

Both of my kids started Little League and Softball a few weeks ago so this week was a doozy schedule wise. The kids and I also had a cold, so meals were not always as originally planned because things didn’t sound great on certain days. That’s why I always use the term “meal plan” loosely because you have to be able to change at any given moment.


Lunch – I call this a “grazing” style lunch – we just had cheese, crackers, fresh fruit, pistachios, some carrots dipped in hummus and whatever odds and ends we found in the fridge

Dinner – My son randomly went to a friend’s house to spend the night (no school the next day) and my daughter had a friend over so they ordered pizza and I had scrambled eggs with fruit salad on the side


LunchAlmond Butter and Blueberry Smoothie, Hard-boiled Egg, Mini Bell Peppers dipped in Kite Hill Dairy Free Cream Cheese

Dinner – Baked Enchilada Casserole (the kids LOVE this dish)! I made it easy and just made spanish rice (from a box) on the side


air fryer salmon with brown rice and cucumber salad

Lunch – Butter lettuce with sprouts, cucumber, hummus, avocado and pistachios on the side

DinnerAir Fryer Salmon, Sautéed Green Beans, steamed white rice


Lunch – Arugula Salad with sauerkraut, bell peppers, sprouts, sliced almonds, chia seeds and blueberries

Dinner – The kids had German Pancakes and we had omelets with mushrooms and green onions


LunchSpicy Thai Salad

DinnerAir Fryer Chicken, Angel Hair Pasta, Fruit


Lunch – Leftover chicken made into Greek Chicken Bowls

Dinner – out for dinner


LunchButternut Squash Soup with a side salad

Dinner – Steak, Greek Salad, Sautéed Mushrooms

What We Loved this Week

This week was so crazy that we honestly relied so heavily on our Air Fryer. We have the Ninja AF101, 4 quart air fryer and love it so much!

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